HFW New Provider Information

HFW Coordinators, Youth Support Specialists, and Family Support Specialists are essential participants in every HFW team.

The HFW Coordinator facilitates the overall HFW process, working closely with the family to develop and implement a care plan that includes both formal and informal supports, ensuring that the services are culturally competent, strengths-based, and centered around the family's needs and goals.

Parents and Caregivers
Parents and Caregivers

How do you become a coordinator/supervisor?

In Maine, HFW coordinators and supervisors are hired by Behavioral Health Home (BHH) providers. The Maine COE coordinates all training and coaching for these positions.

If you have been recently hired by a BHH provider and need HFW training, click the link below to request a training account. Once your details have been verified, you will receive an automated email with temporary credentials and instructions to complete account set up. The Maine COE portal will guide you step by step through the training process, and you will have access to ongoing technical assistance and coaching.

Request Account

What are training/state requirements?

HFW Coordinators and Supervisors must meet the same requirements as the BHH Health Home Coordinator/Supervisor.

In addition, coordinators and supervisors must:

  • Enroll in the HFW training series within one month of employment
  • Complete the HFW training series within 15 months of employment
Parents and Caregivers
Parents and Caregivers

Training for HFW Coordinators includes:

  • Completion of assigned, virtual pre-requisite trainings
  • Completion of a three-day, in-person Introduction to Wraparound training
  • Completion of Engagement in the Wraparound Process training
  • Completion of Intermediate Wraparound: Improving Wraparound Practice training
  • Completion of state-specific trainings (e.g., trauma-informed practice).

Additional training for HFW Supervisors includes:

  • A one-day Supervision in Wraparound training (complete within 6 months)
  • A two-day Advancing Wraparound Practice; Supervision and Managing to Quality training (completed within 15 months)

Maine COE Coaching & Technical Assistance

Free training and technical assistance are available to all HFW Coordinators and Supervisors through the Maine COE. Requests for technical assistance can be made by requesting an account and logging into the COE Portal.

Request Account
Parents and Caregivers