The Maine COE is working in close partnership with state and local representatives from Maine Children’s Behavioral Health Services (CBHS), Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), Department of Health and Human Services, Office of MaineCare, and other state-level departments/policy-makers to understand the strengths and needs of the state and local communities to implement High-Fidelity Wraparound (HFW), identify external partners who are vested in child and family-serving systems, and to understand what structures or frameworks may already exist that can be leveraged for engagement (such as existing communities of practice or local implementation teams).
Community partners may include behavioral health organizations, targeted case management agencies, judiciary staff, juvenile justice entities, Native American tribal representatives, family- and youth-serving or advocacy agencies, schools, early learning hubs, youth hubs, parenting hubs, and local implementation teams.
What should I know?
One of the critical principles defining High Fidelity Wraparound is “community-based.” When engaging families in the wraparound process, the team strives to ensure the positive development of youth by promoting access to resources and activities in their local community. As a community organization, you may have a connection to a youth or parent engaged in the HFW process, and they may have identified you as a support. Having your partnership in working with a youth or family to address their needs ensures a holistic approach. Additionally, if you are not yet connected but willing to offer services, we are always looking to expand our network and partnerships.
Requests for information can be made by emailing
Multidisciplinary Group Participation
The Maine COE works with many different advisory groups, including representatives from CBHS and OBH and relevant individuals from other state departments, community partner organizations, and youth and families. Our involvement is to gain insight and feedback on Maine COE implementation and engage in evaluation to provide context and guidance for the larger behavioral health ecosystem design.
We are always looking to connect to more community partners across the state. If you are interested in having us at your table, please email Kim Magoon, Project Director.